Nuclear Cardiology Overview for Physicians - PET and CT Cardiac Imaging (Module 4)
AHEC’s continuing medical education (CME) Nuclear Cardiology modules provide a comprehensive overview of nuclear cardiology. Complete your CME requirements with this all-encompassing online review that will cover technical aspects of imaging procedures, radiation safety practices, and advancements in nuclear cardiology and positron emission tomography (PET) cardiology. For cardiologists, radiologists, and physicists requiring CME specific credits to maintain ACR or IAC accreditation: All portions of this educational activity may meet the CME requirement for ACR or IAC Nuclear/PET accreditation.
Course Highlights:
4 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
Accepted for CBNC CME requirement
Accepted for all accreditations (IAC Nuclear/PET, ACR)
Up to 12-month online access
Online Convenience: Computer, phone, and tablet access
Complete your requirements quickly and easily on your own time, online from your phone, tablet or laptop
Course Description:
It is critical for healthcare providers to continuously improve their skills and enhance their knowledge to deliver quality patient care. The nuclear cardiology CME course is essential for clinicians to receive an in-depth overview of the guidelines associated with nuclear and PET cardiology including radiopharmaceuticals, imaging equipment, quality control, and radiation safety practices.
Participants can expect to:
Knowledge: Acquire the fundamental nuclear medicine and PET knowledge needed to incorporate/improve nuclear cardiology assessments into their scope of clinical practice to produce quality images while minimizing radiation exposure to patients.
Competence: Be competent with imaging technology and radiation exposure to patients.
Performance: Perform patient care utilizing technology and safety equipment to effectively reduce radiation exposure to patients and other healthcare professionals.
Target Audience: Nuclear Cardiology Physicians, Radiologists, Authorized Users, and Medical Physicists
Faculty: Rebecca Montz, Ed.D., MBA, CNMT, PET, RT(N)(CT), NMTCB, RS
Faculty Disclosure: No relevant financial relationships to disclose
CME Accreditation Statement: Advanced Health Education Center is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
CME Credit Designation: Advanced Health Education Center designates this educational activity for a maximum of 4 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Interest for Individuals in Control of Content: As a provider accredited by ACCME, Advanced Health Education Center, Ltd., ensures balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its sponsored educational
Course Topics:
Module 4: PET and CT Cardiac Imaging
Basic PET and CT Physics
PET and CT Radiation Safety
PET Cardiac Imaging
CT Cardiac Imaging
Nuclear Cardiology Overview for Physicians - Nuclear Pharmacy (Module 1) AHEC’s continuing ..
Nuclear Cardiology Overview for Physicians - Radiation Safety (Module 2) AHEC’s continuing ..
AHEC’s continuing medical education (CME) Nuclear Cardiology modules provide a compr..
It is critical for healthcare provides to continuously improve their skills and enhance their knowle..