• The Challenges of Leadership in Healthcare (Module 1) (Online)

Innovative Leadership Academy - The Challenges of Leadership in Healthcare - Module 1


Whether you're starting out in your career as a practicing healthcare professional interested in stepping into a leadership role, or you are an experienced supervisory/manager already leading a department, the Innovative Leadership Academy for Healthcare Professionals is for you! The Academy is designed to provide participants with an understanding of leadership and practical tools they can immediately put into practice. 


  • Kelli Welch-Haynes, MSRS, RT(R)
  • Damon Jackson
  • Rebecca Montz, Ed.D, RT(CT)(N), CNMT, PET, NMTCB(RS) 

**The link to this online CE activity will be delivered via email. Access the online link for reading material, take the post test (at your convenience), and receive certificate online immediately after successful completion of test.

AHEC Home Study Guidelines

  • Link to this online CE activity will be delivered via email.

  • You can also access your purchased home studies by clicking the “My Home Study” link on the AHEC Store (https://store.aheconline.com/).

  • Login for course material, take the post test (at your convenience), and receive certificate online immediately after successful completion of test.

  • Login information is the same email and password used to purchase products from AHEC’s Store online.

  • A passing grade is 75% or higher – the program will notify you if you have not passed with a 75% or higher and you have three chances to pass.

  • To access/print your certificate you will need to click the title of the course under the “Certificate of Completion” section below the course material and “Take Test” section.


Course Topics

  • Stress Management

  • Conflict Resolution 

  • Ethics in Leadership

  • Burn Out: You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup


  • Define stress and its characteristics. 

  • Identify techniques and strategies for managing stress. 

  • Identify the types of meditation utilized during conflict resolution.   

  • Demonstrate methods of conflict resolution.  

  • Define distributive justice, ethics, morals, and values.  

  • Apply at least two ethical frameworks to an ethical issue in a health organization.  

  • Define career burnout.  

  • Identify the signs and symptoms of career burnout.  

  • Discuss ways to reduce career burnout.  

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This program provides 4 AHRA Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists recognized by the ARRT and various licensure states. You must complete a post test and pass with a 75% or higher to receive your certificate of completion.

Approval Expirations

All Home study approvals have an expiration date. Some of our home studies are approved for one year others for two years. Whether a home study is renewed at the end of its expiration date is determined by the materials content and relevancy. AHEC recommends if you plan to purchase a home study to complete at a later date that you contact us to confirm the expiration date.
Kelli Welch Haynes , MSRS, RT(R)

Kelli Welch Haynes, MSRS, RT(R), is the clinical coordinator and assistant professor of radiologic technology at Northwestern State University in Shreveport, Louisiana. She worked for several years at Lagniappe Hospital, first as a computed tomography technologist, and later as the director of radiology. She holds a Masters of Science degree in radiologic science from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, as well as a Bachelor of Science from Northwestern State. Throughout her years as a technologist, Ms. Haynes has held numerous positions in several professional societies, including president of the local society in Shreveport. You are sure to gain a great deal of knowledge from her insight.

The Challenges of Leadership in Healthcare (Module 1) (Online)

  • Course ID: Homestudy-ChallengeLead-1508-o
  • Credit: 4 Hours Category A
  • Instructor: Kelli Welch Haynes , MSRS, RT(R)
  • Expiration Date: 11-27-2024
  • $59.95

Tags: leadership, leadership skills, leadership academy