Learn about the mysteries surrounding BRCA 1 and 2. Explore the significance of these genes, understand high-risk individuals, and discover groundbreaking treatment options that can save lives before cancer even develops. Through immersive case studies and eye-opening statistics, you'll leave equipped to provide the highest level of care to those at risk.
Be at the forefront of breast cancer detection in young women. Dive deep into the statistics that will astonish you, revealing the prevalence of breast cancer in this demographic. Uncover the most common types of breast cancer affecting young women and explore treatment variations and potential complications. Real-life case studies will cement your understanding and empower you to make a tangible impact on the lives of these courageous patients. Gain invaluable knowledge about the unique treatment variations and challenges faced by male patients. By embracing this vital topic, you'll be ready to offer compassionate care and support to all those affected by breast cancer.
*All webinars are held in Central Standard Time and hosted through Zoom.
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Considerations and Special Patients in Mammography
Course Topics:
o What is BRACA 1 and 2
o High Risk People
o Treatment Before Cancer
o Case Studies and Statistics
o Statistically: How many Young Women get Breast Cancer?
o Most Common Types of Breast CA in Young Women
o Treatment Variations
o Complications
o Case Studies
o Statistics for men having breast cancer
o Treatment variations for men