
Digital Mammography: Principles and Applications (Mail)

Digital Mammography: Principles and Applications (Mail) (3.75 credits )

As a professional mammographer you have MQSA, State Inspection, and HIPAA under control! Then along ..


Imaging the Augmented and Reconstructed Breast (Mail)

Imaging the Augmented and Reconstructed Breast (Mail) (2 credits )

As a dedicated technologist, you know that breast augmentation introduces unique challenges to imagi..


Mammography Positioning Module: Routine Views/ Supplemental Views/ Male Patient/ Image Critique (Mail)

Mammography Positioning Module: Routine Views/ Supplemental Views/ Male Patient/ Image Critique (Mail) (12 credits )

**This CE activity is a video presentation and a post test on USB Flash Drive with multipl..


Physiology & Pathology for Mammographers (Mail)

Physiology & Pathology for Mammographers (Mail) (3 credits )

This presentation begins with breast development in the fetus and describes the normal anatomy, phys..


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