You'll delve into the fundamental building blocks of MRI. Explore the intricacies of cross-sectional anatomy, immersing yourself in the mesmerizing details of the brain, spine, breast, abdomen, and pelvis. Gain expertise in general pulse sequences, mastering the art of spin echo and gradient echo techniques. Uncover the purpose and positioning of coils, essential tools for optimizing image quality and diagnostic accuracy.
We understand the importance of safety in the MRI environment, and that's why we've dedicated a significant portion of the course to MR safety and infection control. Learn how to effectively manage and prevent infections between patients, ensuring the well-being of both you and your patients. Discover the fascinating world of gating, a technique crucial for thoracic and abdomen imaging. Leave no stone unturned as we explore MRI contrast, testing, and reactions, empowering you to confidently handle any situation that may arise.
By the end of this course, you'll emerge with a newfound clarity of concepts, procedures, and safety concerns specific to MRI. With a deep understanding of zone levels for safety, mastery of basic cross-sectional anatomy, and the ability to define spin echo and gradient echo, you'll be equipped to excel in your role as an MRI technologist. Additionally, you'll gain insight into the purpose of coils, the most common contrast agents used in MRI, and how to respond to contrast-related reactions with utmost care.
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Course Objectives:
Discuss the zone levels for safety in the MRI department.
Understand the differences in basic cross sectional anatomy
Give a basic definition of spin echo and gradient echo
Understand the purpose of coils in MRI
Describe what gating is
Name the most common contrast agent used in MRI
Discuss complications that are unique to the MRI suite when responding to a reaction to contrast
Category | Hours | Revision Year(s) |
MRI > Image Production > Data Acquisition and Processing | 1.0 | 2016 |
MRI > Image Production > Data Acquisition, Processing, and Storage | 1.0 | 2020 |
MRI > Image Production > Physical Principles of Image Formation | 0.75 | 2016, 2020 |
MRI > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management | 1.0 | 2016, 2020 |
MRI > Procedures > Body | 0.75 | 2016, 2020 |
MRI > Procedures > Musculoskeletal | 0.75 | 2016, 2020 |
MRI > Procedures > Neurological | 0.75 | 2016, 2020 |
MRI > Safety > MRI Screening and Safety | 1.0 | 2016, 2020 |
Radiologist Assistant > Patient Care > Pharmacology | 1.0 | 2018, 2023 |
Radiologist Assistant > Patient Care > Pharmacology and Anesthetics Guidelines | 1.0 | 2017 |
Radiologist Assistant > Safety > Patient Safety, Radiation Protection, and Equipment Operation | 1.0 | 2018, 2023 |
Therapy > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management | 1.0 | 2022 |
Therapy > Safety > Radiation Physics, Equipment Operation, and Quality Assurance | 1.0 | 2022 |