• Practical Skills for Radiographers

Led by industry experts with extensive experience in the field, our course is carefully curated to empower you with the knowledge you need to excel. Discover the diverse career pathways available to imaging technologists, with Beth Veale, PhD, RT(R)(QM), as she unveils the multitude of exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Ever wondered why certain conditions or medications contradict the use of IV contrast? Bettye Wilson, MA Ed, RT(R)(CT), RDMS, FASRT, will demystify this phenomenon, equipping you with a deep understanding of the contradictions surrounding IV contrast and how it impacts patient care.

Radiation safety is paramount in your profession, and we've got you covered. Delve into the world of radiation safety and new shielding guidelines with Ian Scott Hamilton, Ph.D., CHP, RRPT, LMP, DABR, DABSNM. Gain expert insights on applicable dose limits, radiogenic biological effects, and the latest recommendations for lead protective devices.


*All online courses are held in Central Standard Time and hosted through Zoom.

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Course Topics and Instructors:


  • Beth Veale, PhD, RT(R)(QM) – Where Do I Go from Here?  Career Opportunities in Imaging Sciences   
  • Bettye Wilson, MA Ed, RT(R)(CT), RDMS, FASRT – Why is That a Contradiction to IV Contrast? 
  • Ian Scott Hamilton, Ph.D., CHP, RRPT, LMP, DABR, DABSNM - Radiation Safety and New Shielding Guidelines 

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This program provides AHRA Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists recognized by the ARRT and various licensure states. You must attend the entire program to receive your certificate of completion.

This live, instructor-directed course meets the Texas Medical Board requirements for all registered Medical Radiologic Technologists. Please refer to the TMB website for more information.
AHEC Faculty

At Advanced Health Education Center, we take pride in our dynamic faculty, each hailing from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. Our educators are not only experienced but also bring a wealth of knowledge in their expertise, ensuring a rich and comprehensive learning experience for all. Committed, knowledgeable, and passionately dedicated to their respective modalities, our instructors embody the spirit of excellence that defines the AHEC experience.

Practical Skills for Radiographers

  • Course ID: 2021RT-WEB-118
  • Event Location: Online Course
  • Credit: 6 Category A Credits
  • Date: 04/04/2025
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Instructor: AHEC Faculty
  • $79.00
  • $69.00