Vascular ultrasound has progressed over the years to become much more than a screening tool. From its early beginnings of grainy black and white two dimensional images, to the addition of Doppler and color flow, it has become the modality of choice for early detection of peripheral arterial, cerebrovascular, and venous disease. For the detection of DVT and venous reflux, duplex testing is now the gold standard other modalities are compared to. Accurate diagnostic testing of the vascular system requires a comprehensive understanding of anatomy and hemodynamics as well as the various pathological conditions that can present. Multiple variables such as cardiac output, dehydration, and infection can all have an impact on the vascular system.
This seminar provides an overview of physics and instrumentation, anatomy and hemodynamics, and diagnostic criteria suitable for anyone from an experienced sonographer to the beginner. For the physician wanting a more thorough understanding of the capabilities and potential of the vascular lab, along with interpretative criteria, our extensive library of case studies will prove invaluable. Our scan lab and state of the art equipment, along with our low student instructor ratios allow you plenty of time to perfect your protocol, and acquire the scanning experience necessary to perform diagnostic vascular exams.
The Vascular Ultrasound course is a 5-day course with a breakdown of topics as follows. Each section of the course can be taken individually throughout the year. For more information on the different course dates and options, please visit this page: https://store.aheconline.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=59_83_112.
Breakdown of Days:
Target Audience
Physicians who desire entry level training with vascular ultrasound, and sonographers or other health care professionals learning vascular ultrasound or cross training.
CME Credit
ARRT Credit
We understand that you may want/need to practice your new skill set more than the regularly scheduled courses allow. You can add an extra day of scanning in addition to this course by calling AHEC and speaking to a faculty member about our private tutorial option. Additionally, this tutorial is a one on one session with our expert faculty and can be designed to enhance your already developed skills. Call AHEC at 1-800-239-1361 for more information or click here for more details. Private Ultrasound Tutorials
AHEC Cancellation and Refund Policy for Skills Courses
AHEC defines a skills course as a limited enrollment course where a received registration with payment reserves your place in a course (i.e. all Ultrasound courses, Mammography Initial Training and other theory courses). For cancellations received at least two weeks prior to the course date, a refund less a 30% processing fee will be given. Within two weeks of the course, no refund is given, but a tuition credit – less a 30% processing fee – may be applied to a future course. No refunds or tuition credit is given for non-attendance. Facilities may substitute employees by notification to AHEC at least one week in advance.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
Course Topics
Tags: vascular ultrasound, carotid doppler, peripheral arterial, venous, abdominal, ultrasound ce, ultrasound