Basic Principles of Ultrasound

Breast Ultrasound

Breast Ultrasound (16 credits )

Date: 11/01/2024 - 11/02/2024
Location: Houston, Texas
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The importance of ultrasound as an adjunct procedure to mammography is well documented. The normal a..

CQR CategoryHours
Nuclear Medicine0
Breast Sonography0
Breast Sonography > Patient Care0
Breast Sonography > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management- 20162.5
Breast Sonography > Image Production0
Breast Sonography > Image Production > Basic Principles of Ultrasound.50
Breast Sonography > Image Production > Image Formation.50
Breast Sonography > Image Production > Evaluation and Selection of Representative Images1.0
Breast Sonography > Procedures0
Breast Sonography > Procedures > Anatomy and Physiology1.25
Breast Sonography > Procedures > Pathology1.0
Breast Sonography > Procedures > Breast Interventions1.0
Breast Sonography > Procedures > Surgical/Treatment Changes and Interventional Procedures1.0
Mammography > Patient Care0
Mammography > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management2.0
Mammography > Patient Care > Education and Assessment2.0
Mammography > Procedures0
Mammography > Procedures > Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology2.5
Mammography > Procedures > Mammographic, Positioning, Special Needs, and Imaging Procedures2.5
MRI > Patient Care0
MRI > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management1.0
MRI > Procedures0
MRI > Procedures > Body2.25
Nuclear Medicine > Patient Care0
Nuclear Medicine > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management1.0
Nuclear Medicine > Procedures0
Nuclear Medicine > Procedures > Endocrine and Oncology Procedures2.25
Radiology Assistant0
Radiology Assistant > Procedures0
Radiology Assistant > Procedures > Thoracic Section 6.0
Sonography > Patient Care0
Sonography > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management1.0
Sonography > Image Production0
Sonography > Image Production > Basic Principles of Ultrasound.50
Sonography > Image Production > Image Formation.50
Sonography > Procedures0
Sonography > Procedures > Superficial Structures and Other Sonographic Procedures4.0
Physical Therapy0
Physical Therapy > Procedures0
Physical Therapy > Procedures > Treatment Sites2.25
Therapy > Patient Care0
Therapy > Patient Care > Patient and Medical Record Management3.0
Therapy > Procedures0
Therapy > Procedures > Treatment Sites and Tumors2.25
Breast Sonography > Image Production > Basic Principles of Ultrasound and Equipment.50
Bone Densitometry > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management > Patient Interactions and Management0
Breast Sonography > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management- 20213.5

$1,280.00 $1,280.00

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