• CT Prep and Exam Review - Live Event

The CT Prep and Exam Review 16 hour structured education CE course provides technologist a comprehensive overview of the concepts and principles of Computed Tomography. The CT course is an excellent introduction for the entry level technologist cross training into CT from Radiography, Radiation Therapy or Nuclear Medicine, as well as experienced CT technologist who are preparing to take the Post Primary CT exam. The courses are taught by expert faculty with experience in teaching Exam Review courses and they have relevant clinical experience. 

Delivery format for this course event is In-Person in Houston, TX. If you are seeking to register for our the webinar course please click here and select the Live Webinar coure offering. 

The CT Prep and Exam Review topics include the content areas as outlined in the ARRT content specifications for the Post Primary CT exam. 

Structured Education Requirements

This course satisfies the requirements of 16 hours of structured education which must be met in order to sit for the ARRT Post-Primary Certification Examinations. Educational activities must meet the following requirements:

  • the educational activities must be distributed among current ARRT content specifications for this discipline;

  • the total number of hours must equal at least 16; and

  • at least one hour of structured education  must be related to each of the following content areas:

  1. Patient Care and Safety

  2. Imaging Procedures

  3. Physics and Instrumentation

The verbage above is pulled directly from the ARRT's Structured Education and Clinical Experience Requirements. The course includes the current ARRT content specifications for CT and includes at least one hour of structured education in patient care and safety, imaging procedures, and physics and instrumentation. Content Specifications can be found 

This live, instructor-directed course meets the Texas Medical Board requirements for all registered Medical Radiologic Technologists.  Please refer to the TMB website for more information at this LINK

Course Topics

Day 1

  • CT Instrumentation (Including: Radiation Physics and Informatics)

  • CT Physics (Including: Reconstruction, Data Acquisition, Image Display, and Processing with Post-Processing)

  • CT Image Quality (Including Artifacts)

Day 2

  • Patient Care (Including Radiation Safety)

  • CT Procedures

  • CT Anatomy and Pathology

Course Objectives 

  1. At the conclusion of this course, the participant should be able to: 

  2. Describe the history of Computed Tomography (CT) imaging and the components of a typical system.  

  3. Review the characteristics of radiation and the interaction of x-rays with matter.  

  4. Define CT terms pertaining to attenuation, scanning, displaying and annotating an image.  

  5. Describe the CT computer data processing steps, the function of data acquisition system and the array processor.  

  6. Identify and define algorithms and kernel settings to include raw data, image data, and scan data.  

  7. Describe the types of CT detectors, their function, location, and common materials use in those detectors 

  8. Explain post processing techniques to include the difference between reconstructing and reformatting an image.  

  9. Identify the scan factors and explain how they affect image quality to include the steps needed to assure high image quality.  

  10. Describe the types of artifacts, their appearance on images, and how they may be eliminated or reduced.  

  11. Describe how the selection of scan factors can affect patient dose and the correct application of each.  

  12. Describe the scanner design that led to the development of spiral and multi-slice CT and the differences between conventional spiral and multi-slice CT.  

  13. List and describe current data storage techniques. 

  14. Explain several types and sizes of commonly used catheters. 

  15. Describe the proper method of site selection utilized for an injection of a IV contrast agent. 

  16. Explain the steps involved in a proper venipuncture technique. 

  17. Describe the types of contrast media utilized for CT examinations. 

  18. Explain the indications and contraindications of the contrast media utilized for CT scanning procedures. 

  19. Explain the basic difference between non-ionic and ionic contrast media. 

  20. Discuss the symptoms and categories of anaphylactoid reactions as well as the associated treatments and relative drug pharmacology. 

  21. Describe several laboratory tests that are commonly associated with computed tomography. 

  22. Discuss the basic rules of radiation safety. 

  23. Identify several factors that effect radiation dose in CT. 

  24. Discuss several ways of reducing radiation dose. 

  25. Define osmolality and viscosity. 

  26. Explain common techniques and procedures for the following anatomical regions, the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine, and musculoskeletal system. 

  27. Identify basic positioning landmarks to computed tomography imaging of the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine, and musculoskeletal system. 

  28. Explain patient care procedures including IV procedures, contrast agents, and radiation safety, and pharmacology for computed tomography. 

  29. Describe various methods of CT data acquisition including helical and multi-slice CT 

  30. Explain the components of image display, including pixel, voxel, matrix, field of view, CT numbers, windowing functions, raw data, and image data. 

  31. Describe several methods of image reconstruction. 

  32. Relate factors that affect resolution, noise, and radiation dose. 

  33. Describe artifacts commonly associated with CT images. 

  34. Discuss various ways of balancing the factors that control image quality. 

  35. Discuss ways of reducing artifacts and radiation dose while maintaining acceptable image    quality. 

  36. Explain several methods of quantifying resolution.  



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This program provides AHRA Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists recognized by the ARRT and various licensure states. You must attend the entire program to receive your certificate of completion
Category Hours Revision Year(s)
CT > Image Production > Image Evaluation and Archiving 2.50 2017, 2022
CT > Image Production > Image Formation 8.00 2017, 2022
CT > Image Production > Physics and Instrumentation 10.50 2016
CT > Patient Care > Contrast Administration 1.00 2016
CT > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management-2016 .5 2016
CT > Patient Care > Patient Interactions and Management-2017 1.5 2017
CT > Procedures > Head, Spine, and Musculoskeletal 1.00 2017, 2022
CT > Procedures > Neuro 1.00 2016
CT > Procedures > Abdomen and Pelvis 1.00 2017, 2022
CT > Procedures > Body 1.00 2016
CT > Procedures > Musculoskeletal 1.00 2016
CT > Procedures > Neck and Chest 1.00 2017, 2022
CT > Safety > Radiation Safety Dosimetry 1.00 2016
CT > Safety > Radiation Safety and Dose 1.00 2017, 2022

CT Prep and Exam Review - Live Event

  • Course ID: LiveEvent-CTPrepExamReview-2697-215
  • Event Location: Advanced Health Education Center, 8502 Tybor Drive, Houston, Texas, USA, 77074
  • Credit: 16 Credits Category A
  • Date: 10/17/2025 - 10/18/2025
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Other available dates:
  • $389.00

Tags: Computed Tomography, CT, CT Structured Education, Structured Education, CT CE, CE, Continuing Education, Registry Review, Exam Prep, Exam Review