• Bone Densitometry: Initial Training

Bone densitometry is a very hot topic. It is proving to be a key tool in the diagnosis and treatment outcomes of osteoporosis. There are an estimated 44 million Americans affected by osteoporosis each year. The cost of managing the consequences of this disease cost the health care system in the United States billions of dollars. The inclusion of bone densitometry as a reimbursable Medicare procedure has focused attention on who is performing the procedures and on personnel training requirements. This comprehensive training program will prepare you to meet and exceed the current training requirements. Every aspect of principles, theory, practical knowledge and skills to perform bone densitometry will be highlighted. This course will meet the needs of those new to the field or those wishing to expand their knowledge beyond the “how to’s”.
The comprehensive program was developed by an ARRT registered and ISCD credentialed densitometrist and includes topics that are reflective of the content specifications for the International Society of Clinical Densitometry and the ARRT Registry for Bone Densitometry. This course is designed for all healthcare professionals who are planning to or are currently performing bone densitometry measurements in either clinical practice, women's healthcare or imaging facilities.

Delivery format for this course event is LIVE WEBINAR. If you are seeking to register for our in-person event please click here and select Live Event course offerings. ***Registrations for this class will close two weeks before the class.***

**Healthcare professionals who are not registered radiologic technologists should also register for the "Practical Radiation Safety for DEXA Operators" course in order to meet the radiation safety requirements for the Texas Department of State Health Services. For added convenience, the 4-hour "Practical Radiation Safety for DEXA Operators" course is offered on the day immediately prior to the 16 hour "Bone Densitometry: Principles and Procedures".

**This live, instructor-directed course meets the Texas Medical Board requirements for all registered Medical Radiologic Technologists.  Please refer to the TMB website for more information at this  LINK

Course Topics

  • Osteoporosis risk factors
  • Indications for densitometry
  • Methods of measuring bone mass
  • Anatomy/central densitometry
  • Principles of densitometry
  • Quality assurance and calibration of a DXA system
  • Site preparation
  • Patient preparation
  • Patient positioning
  • Performing DXA scans
  • Analysis of DXA scans
  • Troubleshooting of DXA scans

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This program provides AHRA Category A continuing education credit for radiologic technologists recognized by the ARRT and various licensure states. You must attend the entire program to receive your certificate of completion.
Greg Yardley , MSRS, RT(R), CBDT

Category Hours Revision Year(s)
Bone Density > Image Production > Equipment Operation and Quality Control 6.0 2016, 2022
Bone Density > Patient Care > Patient Bone Health, Care, and Radiation Principles 4.0 2016, 2022
Bone Density > Procedures > DXA Scanning 6.0 2016, 2022

Bone Densitometry: Initial Training

  • Course ID: Webinar-Bone Density-181-257
  • Event Location: Online Course
  • Credit: 16 Credits Category A
  • Date: 10/17/2025 - 10/18/2025
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Instructor: Greg Yardley , MSRS, RT(R), CBDT
  • $429.00

Tags: Bone Densitometry CE, Structured Education, Bone Density, DEXA